Call of Duty has been one of the gaming world's most influential and popular franchises ever. From its World War 2 origins, to its groundbreaking transition to modern warfare.Call of Duty has done it all, including going full-circle back to WW2.

During Call of Duty's 15-year existence, the franchise has provided plenty for gamers to love. This included Call of Duty 2 — the CoD game which really brought the franchise out of the shadow of Medal of Honor. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which not only brought about a new era of first-person shooters set in the modern period but also revolutionized online multiplayer. Call of Duty 5: World at War, which introduced the world to the amazing game mode that is Zombies. And then in 2009,Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 released to the world,the one video game which needs no introduction.

With it's long and illustrious history, Call of Duty has given its fans plenty of content from which to fish memes out of. In this list, we check out another 20 of the best Call of Duty memes which will 9/10 times make you go "same."

20/20 The Natural Order Of Things


As awesome as the feeling of being mid-air and doing a 360-quick-scope headshot and ending some poor saps high kill streak is, it's not the most realistic of scenarios one would see in a battlefield. Not like Activision has ever cared about realism!

In real life, there are many practical reasons why snipers are not used in close quarters. First of all, a sniper is very powerful. So powerful in fact that some of the biggest caliber sniper rifles are fully capable of singlehandedly wrecking an armored car all by themselves. This power also means that these rifles are quite heavy. They also have a long barrel for increased accuracy. These, among other reasons, make snipers quite useless in close quarters. Fortunately, they are the most useful thing in most Call of Duty games as sniper rifles retain their deadly power and accuracy but their weight and barrel lengths are not taken into account.

19/20 Well, What Other Way Is There To Butter Bread?


Grabbing a slice of bread with your right hand and then stabbing it mercilessly with a buttered knife has been proven by studies to be the most effective way of buttering bread. Yes yes, the traditional way applies the butter more evenly and doesn't leave the bread torn into hundreds of pieces, so how exactly is the style pictured above more effective? Easy! The combat experience you gain battling against the mighty bread will directly translate into greater skill wielding the knife in-game. If you live Call of Duty, breathe Call of Duty, and eat Call of Duty, that is worth far more than a strewn up piece of bread and the rewards clearly outweigh the risks of accidentally stabbing the plate, the table, or yourself.

18/20 Looks Good To Me


Everybody knows that the modern US infantryman goes into battle with a main rifle, a secondary weapon (which, if they're smart, is going to be a sniper), a combat knife, a couple of explosive grenades, a couple of secondary grenades, an anti-tank mine or two for the occasional tank, a couple of claymores, a tablet-like device to remotely control planes/helicopters/drones, and of course, a portable anti-aircraft missile launcher.

Sometimes, if a soldier has demonstrated exceptional capability, he may even upgrade himself by unlocking skills such as Commando, which will allow him to lunge further when stabbing someone, or Sleight of Hand, which will allow him to reload faster.

Sometimes people wonder where all that money allocated to the military goes. These people are those who have never played Call of Duty.

17/20 If An Assumption Is True, Is It Still An Assumption?


This meme will not make you go "same" but it deserves a place on this list anyways simply because it is important to highlight the blasphemous nature of this meme.

Whoever made this meme clearly does not know that in 1993, Generals Price and MacTavish of the US Army ordered all new recruits to train first in Call of Duty for at least 200 game hours. Only those who managed to call in a nuke strike for 5 games in a row were selected to become generals. The Air Force also ordered their pilots to start practicing with Call of Duty because if you can't keep an AC-130 flying in the air for 5 minutes in-game, how can the Air Force trust you to keep any plane flying in the air for 5 minutes in real life?

Now if Call of Duty is good enough to train the military, I think it's certainly good enough to teach us all we need to know about every extant weapon in the world.

16/20 Evil, Pure Evil


This is the story of every annoying little kid, and I suppose some teens and adults too, who either have a slow connection, bad motor skills, or are just not good at playing games. These people find it really hard to get a point while being a gentleman. Therefore, to everyone's utter annoyance, they use ungentlemanly tactics such as last stand and shotguns to try to at least get one kill so they don't feel bad about dropping 70 dollars on a game that mostly only frustrates them. I know this because I used to be this with my late 2000s 512KBPS connection (#startedFromTheBottom).

Fun Fact: In the Great War, enemy soldiers who were caught with "ungentlemanly weapons" such as shotguns were never taken as prisoners. A more instant punishment was dealt to them.

15/20 Top Gun For The Infantry


Some people criticize Call of Duty and other similar games for promoting aggression and crime. However, at a time when enlistment in the military is dropping and rumors of a Top Gun 2 evaporating, Call of Duty is actually helping the nation answer the call of duty by encouraging them to enlist in the military.

Now I will admit, your average #basement-life, #dietcokelife, and physical fitness hating 15-year-old CoD gamer probably does not look like the archetypical soldier to most people. However, he will have a great advantage going into training that other non-CoD gamers won't have. Without even touching a gun, the CoD gamer has already conquered Vietnam and defeated the Russians in Afghanistan! He has already become a veteran of several WW2 battles and, actually, has even fought in the future and made it back alive! Now, how can anyone criticize CoD for producing all these super-soldiers?

14/20 That Realism Tho


Every real soldier knows that he can take up to three sniper shots to the chest before he will see red (or just shades of red depending on which Call of Duty game the army used for his training) in his view. Every real soldier also knows that a knife to any part of the body, whether it be the head, the legs, or even the little pinky fingers, means certain doom.

This is just one of those things that makes Call of Duty awesome. The realism! The game has got every detail about soldiers and fighting right and helps clear misconceptions people have about the military. For example, some people are scared to join the army for fear of meeting their maker. Call of Duty teaches them the real truth which is that soldiers don't really lose anymore, they just respawn!

13/20 Wet Work Or Grenade Town?


2007's originalModern Warfare had a notorious map called Wet Work... it's basicallyCOD's Water Temple (Zeldafans get it). Basically, you were always getting exploded by a grenade. All. The. Time. Like a lot of the great maps ofCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, it has a warm place in all of our hearts, but realistically, it took a lot of time to learn. You can always tell a veteran player based on how well they watched their corners on this map. It was like a test of valor — one that would be put to the test in aModern Warfare 2map named "Rust." Another one of the greats that will make true fans shudder.

12/20 It's A Love-Hate Relationship


If I had a dollar for every time I have personally witnessed this, I'd probably have around 40 dollars. It happens to everyone after they play the game long enough. Words do not exist to express the pure fury and rage gamers feel when their long kill streaks are interrupted by lucky shots with grenades or throwing knives.

Equally annoying is internet lag. Playing online with a slow internet is like playing while drunk without actually being drunk. Still, those with slow internet connections are generally used to the lag and are not too infuriated by it. Unfortunately, while playing Call of Duty, your internet's quality apparently has no connection with the amount of lag you will face. I have played online with very fast connections and very slow connections, regardless of what I do though, it seems near impossible to avoid lag in most CoD games.

11/20 Snipers Need A Seat On The Metro Too!


Manufacturers of ghillie suits world over love Activision for making the demand for their products skyrocket. Ever since Modern Warfare came out, everyone with a PS4 or Xbox has at one point in their lives wanted to wear a ghillie suit. Most of those probably would limit themselves to wearing their ghillie suit at Halloween or perhaps on a night of gaming.

The more dedicated fans among us wear ghillie suits to go to the supermarket, the bank, school, etc. Not only do they get to show off their devotion to CoD, but they are also literally impossible for anyone to see which can help a lot in dangerous cities or districts.

The most dedicated fans among us see the ghillie suit as an extension of oneself. It is like their outer skin for them. They wear it to bed, they wear it in the shower, they wear it when meeting their girlfriend's parents. Even when going to Toga parties, they just put a toga on top of the suit.

10/20 The Rules Of Engagement Are Clear


I can easily imagine a conversation between a soldier and an officer in this situation.

Soldier: "Sir, we have to go and help them. The company is on its last leg. They will be wiped out!"

Officer: "No. We must wait until someone in the company gets a 11 kill streak. We just can not go. "

Soldier: "But we will lose the battle, sir. We have to go now!!!"

Officer: "It is irrel…..wait…looks like xxxSwagL0rdxxx got 11 kills in a row. He is calling our AC-130 in. Let's go boys, let's save the day!"

*AC-130 blown up 2 seconds after calling kill streak *

9/20 Any Love Story Is Better Than Twilight


Yesterday, I saw an ant. Then, I saw another ant. Then both of them perished after consuming insecticide. Still a better love story than Twilight. Ok, it may not be better but it's still better than the sequels.

Point is, any half-baked love story is, more likely than not, a better love story than Twilight. The love story of Captain Price and Soap then, is a far better love story than Twilight. Unlike the characters of Twilight, Captain Price is a battle-hardened veteran who has fought every war since World War 2. Soap is a youngster by comparison but equally badass himself. The details and levels of their romance is just too deep. For example, is Soap the gentle figure who helps Price deal with his PTSD or is Price the wise and old partner of this relationship who teaches Soap how to look the same forever? Can Twilight ever manage this level of depth?

8/20 Once A Captain, Always A Captain


Captain Price started his career as a captain in World War 2. He must have really wowed his instructors in training to have started out as a captain. I mean, it's like he skipped 3-4 ranks just like that. It's basically like a child being so smart that he starts school at 4th grade instead of 1st.

As impressive as that is, what came next is even more impressive. Captain Price stayed in the army after the war and didn't let the fighting, fatigue, or stress, get to him at all. Just look at him, he hasn't aged a day. But for all of Captain Price's hard work, he was actually demoted to Lieutenant during the cold war when he was tasked to assassinate Imran Zakhaev. Only around the time of the US invasion of Iraq did Captain Price finally regain his old rank. This is no way to treat a warrior like Captain Price.

7/20 Just Don't Leave The Lobby, Man


We've all encountered a player like this while playing CoD. You know what I mean. You're getting ready to play online multiplayer, and the game has almost found enough people for you to play with so you can get started. But just before the play can begin, one miserable human being has to go ahead and exit out of the lobby. Not cool!

Why is this not cool, you ask? For the very reason that this means you have to wait for the game to find another person for multiplayer, which just ends up wasting everyone's time. Here's a hint to my fellow COD enthusiasts: decide beforehand whether you want to play single or multiplayer, and don't be that one clown who leaves the lobby at the most inopportune moment.

6/20 Captain Price Found The Fountain Of Eternal Youth


We've got to hand it to Captain Price; the guy sure hasn't aged much in the span of a decade and a half. We were first introduced to the heroic character in COD 1, all the way back in 2003. Since then, he's made appearances in many versions of the game, including COD 2, and all of the games of the Modern Warfare saga.

But the uncanny thing is that, aside from his outfit change, the Captain looks exactly the same. In real life, war and combat can take a huge toll on a person. You expect them to look a bit rough around the edges or at least bags around their eyes. But for constantly being in battle, Price looks pretty well rested. Is this proof that the Fountain of Eternal Youth actually exists?

5/20 I'm Coming For You, Mr. Camper


Campers are literally the worst! They hide out of plain sight and focus on shooting their enemies covertly with a sniper, which we have to admit is pretty effective. But it's more than frustrating when you've been braving it out on the battlefield, only to be killed by a random hiding out in the bushes. I didn't deserve to go that way!

Be warned: if you are a camper and I see you in the game, I WILL take you down. In that moment, it will become my mission to see you through until the end because I can't stand it when campers can take down so many enemies while being out of harm's way. I won't rest until all of the campers have been eliminated. Sorry, not sorry.

4/20 All I Want Is To Be Invited


Okay, we've all been in the situation where we want to play single player and that one friend keeps sending up a bunch of invites to join them on multiplayer. It can get pretty annoying when your friend doesn't know how to take a hint after you've rejected their invite yet again.

But do you know what's even worse? When you friend can see that you're playing single player and they don't send you an invite, especially if you actually wish you'd been playing multi player. If you're like me, then you'll start wondering why your bro isn't suggesting multi player. What did I do to upset them? Am I that bad that no one wants to play with me? The point is: I still want to get an invite, even if I'm content playing single player.

3/20 Always Gotta Look On Point


Once again, Captain Price is impressing us with his good looks! Or, should we say, his perfectly placed hat. Seriously, you've got to have noticed that the Captain's hat NEVER falls off. No matter if he's in the middle of a gunfight or dodging an explosion, both his hair and hat always stay in place. Not to mention his beard is always perfectly groomed, too.

If only things were that simple in real life. Seriously, I'd pay good money to make sure a hair is never out of place on my head. I'd also pay good money to have the look of eternal youth that Captain Price has (see the previous meme for reference). For someone who's always fighting in some battle, Captain Price sure looks decent.

2/20 An Era Of Knights and Duels


Kids these days just won't get it. They are too coddled and soft to understand the glorious and ancient age of 2009 when men roamed the streets and disputes were solved in Rust.

Back when MW2 came out, when 2 people butted heads, they didn't fist fight with each other. They didn't pull guns out and shoot. They didn't break their friendship and give each other the silent treatment. No, they settled their disputes like men, 1v1 on rust.

This is why the BMW owner pictured above got that number plate. He knows if someone rear-ends him he will have to go talk to them and tell them to 1v1 him in rust. Now, with that number plate, he doesn't even need to get out of the car. As soon as the driver of the car behind sees "1v1RUST" on the plates, he will immediately fork out the cash and apologize rather than risk a 1v1 on Rust.

1/20 Friendly Fire…..Or Friendly Knife?


Most, if not all, people who have played Call of Duty have tried their luck with a random knife throw. For Battlefield fans, the phenomenon is equivalent to shooting at a flying plane with a sniper and hoping to get a headshot. It's quite an unlikely feat to achieve which is exactly why the temptation to throw knives randomly in the air is so great.

The sheer feeling of pure joy one gets when they actually get a kill like this has been described by various researchers as "utterly blissful" and "nirvana-like". Unfortunately, in matches where friendly fire is turned on, this feeling of pure joy can turn into pure frustration when the "kill" you finally managed to score with a random throwing knife was on one of your own.